
In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed alarming details about the operations of a shadowy global surveillance program, the National Secutity Agency, (NSA) which has been collecting data at least since being officially established in 1952 by U.S. president Harry S. Truman.

The NSA was shrouded in secrecy since inception. It's existence was not officially acknowledged for many years. It was sarcastically referred to by agents with nicknames a.k.a. "No Such Agency". The entire organization, with a vast infrastructure of employees, facilities, and structures, would move bases of operation quickly. It was reported to virtually disappear overnight, only to appear again in a slightly different location a few weeks later.

One of the most shocking revelations revealed from snowden was the inconceivably massive storage capabilities of the NSA, specifically at the Utah Data Center, also known as the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center. The facility was reported to be capable of storing data on the order of millions of zettabytes at the time and has only increased exponentially in the last decade.

"No Such Agency"

For reference, a zettabyte (ZB) is 1021 bytes of information. To illustrate the scale of this amount of data, think of the amount of terrabytes you have access to. One zettabyte is equal one billion terrabytes. The NSA had thousands of rooms full of these zettabyte drives, which becomes more data than the number of stars in the observable universe. This was a decade ago, and their total amount of storage is accelerating ever since. Why would an agency need to store this amount of information? The answer, it turns out, is more complicated than we originally thought.

Snowden's leak lead to increased speculation about the ethics of this agency, so there was bound to be more infiltrators. These individuals have been slowly playing the long con until they gain enough security clearance. Reality Winner was one of these more recent leakers, others have yet to go public with their groundbreaking discoveries. We have a direct line of communication with several of these anonymous sources currently working at the agency.

The storage was originally thought to comprised of data collected from mass surveillance. What flipped this on it's head is an upcoming leak that a large portion of these are not actually collecting information, but generating it.

In realtime.

A large portion of these machines were not storage devices at all, but processors.

There is no doubt that Our behaviour remains being tracked, in mass scale, as originally reported. However, surveillance seems to be a minor goal, as the actual information is flowing in the opposite direction. What is actually being collected most frequently is simply positional vector information for the purposes of sending synced sensory information back.

"A warehouse of aging machines."

This evidence seems to suggest that at least a significant portion of the population is experiencing life in an non-consensual augmented state, if not completely simulated.

Unfortunately nobody has security clearance high enough to actually observe the information being sent and prove this claim. ( it being dimensionally above their pay-grade )

However, in June of 2022, our sources were able to obtain and hack a server that was intended for destruction, from a warehouse full of aging machines during an nsa relocation. What stengthens this theory is what our sources received when they sent a packet of location data into the machine.

"We've cracked the older version."

As suspected, It was sending back imagery of the same location, however this primitive machine ( circa 1990s ) seemed to be using noticably crude graphics, having much older gpus than what is available and used in the server rooms today.

Was this the beta version of reality? Is it possible we don't realize the graphic processors of our reality are improving over time?

"The beta version of reality"

Our sources were left without conclusive evidence, or means to reverse engineer this process without putting their safety at risk. After many months of experimentation without much headway, it was decided more help was needed to collect data.

The goal of this project is prove what many of us suspect.

That our perception is a simulation.

And we've cracked the older version.

So we've opened up the project to the public.

Every photo you take helps us get closer to finding the truth.

Older avatars collected from the app

Participate in the study